All it needs is perhaps a few Sky Pirates cruising the sky above him...
All it needs is perhaps a few Sky Pirates cruising the sky above him...
Astounding work!
Not bad, nice snappy style and vibe.
Got a whole 1980s vibe at the end there with the cool music.
So true and allegorical.
Good job.
Wish there were more ones like this on NG.
I would have answered 1/8 was eaten but that's probably wrong.
Very cool.
Nice job.
Get some effects added my dude. :)
Thank you man, I don’t really have anything that can add nice effects
So this is basically Galaxy High for NG?
Good consistent animations, V. Acting, music effects etc. Would give a lot more stars but:
Way too over-the-top on Link (Linkon) being such a douche, over-doing the empowered female BS (which is insane right now as it is). I get this has been mostly done by female artists but...
No father figure for Zelda either?!
Come on folks, stop the copying of cliche-riddled hollywood progressivism.
I am a writer, artist, novelist and game-maker.
Forward Observer
Arwen Colonies
Joined on 11/19/18